Daylight Assessment

Our daylight and sunlight assessment team provide specialist planning reports and expert advice on daylight, sunlight and overshadowing factors to maximise your development value.

Whether you are a developer, an adjoining owner or even a local authority, our daylight and sunlight assessment specialists are on hand to help with issues and factors of daylight and sunlight amenity and the potential environmental impact any development may have.

We are perfectly positioned to provide every aspect of daylight and sunlight assessment for your project; from initial feasibility advice, to formal assessments, development envelopes and daylight modelling, planning reports and guidance on rights of light compensation and mitigation advice.

Our team also provide reporting and analysis on daylight, sunlight, overshadowing to form part of an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Our Range Of Daylight And Sunlight Assessment Services:

  • External Daylight/Sunlight impact assessment in accordance with BRE 209
  • Internal daylight assessment for planning applications
  • Overshadowing assessments of outdoor amenity space
  • Daylight/Sunlight calculations for developments with limited available lighting
  • Rights of Light consultancy and assessments
  • Daylight calculations for the Code for Sustainable Homes
  • Daylight calculations for BREEAM
  • Maximum envelope analysis
  • Planning committee representation

Efficient, cost effective sustainability (ESD) reports for building and planning permits.